
Gino Jennings Gets It Wrong About Jesus Name Baptism

In this sad video Gino Jennings claims that such Oneness organizations as the PAW or UPCI and anyone who baptizes without saying the words "Lord" and "Christ" are not baptizing correctly and should be re-baptized. Jennings is clearly playing the martyr here but the point should be addressed. I understand the point and reverence the name of Jesus. While performing baptisms I have usually baptized a person using the titles "Lord" or "Christ" but always using the name of  Jesus. 

Jennings makes a point about commitment to the Scriptures and not tradition. I could not agree more. As far as commitment to the authority of Scripture let's observe its own testimony about the matter:

In Acts 2:38, onomati Iesou Christou or name of Jesus Christ.
And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. ESV
In Acts 10:48, onomati Ieusou Christou or name of Jesus Christ.
And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they asked him to remain for some days. ESV
In Acts 19:5, onoma tou kyriou Iesou or name of the Lord Jesus.
On hearing this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. ESV
In Acts 22:16, epikalesamenos autou to onoma or calling on his name.
And now why do you wait? Rise and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on his name.’ ESV
In 1 Cor. 6:11, onomati tou kyriou Iesou Christou or name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. ESV
 In Acts 22:16 the personal pronoun "his" refers to Jesus. Saul, later Paul, was on his way to Damascus had been blinded and heard the voice of the Lord (22:6 ff.). Luke records the story of Ananias, a devout man, who prayed for Saul and he received his sight (22:13). Ananias then tells Saul that he was to see the "Righteous One" and to "hear" His voice (22:14). In fact, according to Ananias Saul would "be his witness" (22:15). Whose witness? The Righteous One. The one who in Acts 1:8 told his disciples that they "will be my witnesses...to the ends of the earth." (NRSV) The one for whom Saul would also be a witness was Jesus. Our same Lord who spoke to him on the road to Damascus.

"Lord" and "Christ" are not names. That is why Matthew 28:19 has "eis to onoma" or "in the name". There "onoma" or "name" is a singular noun. At this "name" "every knee" will bend. Gino Jennings point is moot. Jesus is the name above all names. The name "Jesus" is also represented in all of the preceding verses while "Lord" or "Christ" are alternating. It is the name, after all, that's important. Sorry, haysoos (Jesus) but you are not Jesus. For any of you who think the name "Jesus" is just another name think again. In modern English we we call Him Jesus. Jesus/Iesous (Grk)/Yeshua (Heb) is a covenant name that includes God's name (YAH) and what He has done (shua/yasha). Yahweh has become our salvation.


Anonymous said...

I humbly beleive that you are making a big mistake by saying that "lord" is not a name. Please read Isaiah 42:8 and that will settle this matter for you. It says I am the LORD;that is my name;and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images"

Anonymous said...

His true name is Yahweh-some say Yahveh. His son name is Yahshua. Elohim the most High. This his Hebrew names. Lord, Jesus, God is the English translation of his true name. There was no J's in the Hebrew alphabeth during that time frame.Study and research, then you will find out yourself.

Holy Scriptures said...

Translation of his name is not a sin. Whether you refer to him a Yahweh or Jesus, both names reference the same person. Translation was going on in the scriptural days (Ezra 4.7 & Esther 11.1, so translation is ok. This is due to different cultural languages and have been done since the beginning of time.

Anonymous said...

Pastor Jennings also said on his Truth of God program #560 that the original Hebrews were black people. He preaches Christ because that's what people understand. However, I feel like the Hebrew names are the purest form of holiness in the scriptures.

Yes, the Saviour's true name is Yahushua because it tells who he is and where he's from (His father, Yahweh). God and Jesus don't really mean anything to people seeking the truth. It means more to the pagan folks who gave us a corrupt form of the Hebrew scriptures.

Remember: the letter "J" didn't exist back then. Gian Giorgio Trissino set apart the I and J sounds during the early 1500s. Look in any English bible before 1630 AD and you will find that there is no letter J! The English letter I was used to express the Hebrew "Yod".

Do your research and know the truth. Even the most profound pastors can lack knowledge.

JN Anderson said...

The name of Jesus includes the abbreviated form of the Tetragrammaton or divine name. Therefore, OP's are using the name of the Lord when they call on Jesus. They are nowhere instructed to call on Yahweh or etc. To call on the name of Jesus is to call on the name of the Lord.

Anonymous said...

SO WHAT. The answer here is simple and the scriptures bear out that simplicity. The apostles charged with following Jesus' instructions baptized in the name of Jesus Christ or in the name Lord Jesus. Stick with the scriptures and tune out the noise of satan pulling us away from them.

#thywordistruth said...

If you examine the syntax of that sentence you will find that the word "LORD" here is used as a description of his name. If your name is JOHN you wouldn't say "I am the John" now would you. Plus your interpretation of that would completely contradict the Bible's teaching that Jesus is his name, now wouldn't it?

#thywordistruth said...

If you so concern about title you might as well baptized in father son and holy ghost. #catchnotheshadowandlosethesubstance

#thywordistruth said...

"For there is none other TITLE(e.g Christ/Lord)given under heaven among men whereby we must be save" read no scripture ever. The premise of his belief is Paul's command that we should speak the same thing(certainly Paul having common sense would not have expected us to say the same things verbatim). So then Mr. jennings, why is that in the book of Acts we see two different syntaxes being used. In acts 2:38 we see "in the name of Jesus Christ" and in chapter 8 thereabout it says "in the name of the Lord Jesus". Surely then the baltizers weren't speaking the 'sane thing' according to your deluded perception of the command " speak the same thing"

#thywordistruth said...

*same thing

Unknown said...

Every Born-Again believer knows that God's name is Jehovah( Eng translation )or Yaweh

Unknown said...

Thank you!!!

Unknown said...

Every Born-Again believer knows that God's name is Jehovah( Eng translation )or Yaweh

Anonymous said...

Ok. Out of the name concept ahm...what you believe with the rest of Gino teaching about women preachers and head coverings?
My opinion is that he is right on this! Nobody has the right to anoint women for teachers !
Thank you! :)

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with Pastor Jennings keeping the word pure. Splitting hairs and false opinions is what Pastor Jennig's fights against.
Let's stop playing " I'm smarter then you" and reflect on Pastor Jenning's continued quest to keep the word holy. Good job pastor.

Anonymous said...

I was baptized at 18 in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost in my native language and i know that it was an acceptable baptism.

Adversus Trinitas

"...unless you believe that I am he you will die in your sins." (John 8:24 ESV)